How To Choose A Right Corner Sofa For A Small Space
A sofa is central to any living room. it should be bought after giving due consideration and thought. An impulsive decision while buying sofas can lead to a buying a wrong sofa in terms of style and price. When purchasing a sofa, space is an important factor which should be your priority as well. Any carelessness on your part in determining the right size of sofa will end up landing a sofa either too small or too big for a small sofa. When it comes to find an ideal small sofa for small space, corner sofa is definitely the right choice.
Corner sofa is the best choice for a small space as it can be placed in any way you want. You will immediately notice the space by placing this sofa adjacent to the wall. Having a small sofa doesn’t mean that it has less seating capacity. On the contrary, corner sofa can accommodate more number of people. The built in features of these sofas are meant to provide comfort and space. The important thing is how to position the sofa. For this, corner sofas are available in various shapes including C shaped, armless cornered sofas, large curved shaped, five seater and three seater. Pick the type as per your activities at home.
Sofa covering is another important decision to be made. Coordinate the fabric and its color with the décor of the room. If you are opting for leather coverings then you will have relatively limited selection in colors and patterns. However you can use different throw pillows to make your place look alluring. The fabric usually worn out fast which is why buying leather corner sofa would be ideal. However cloth covered sofas with detachable covering feature can easily be washed and changes as well. Corner sofa is highly adaptable and can make a great addition in any small space.